Lizzyzz Art


This is me


My name is Lizz Sandelin and I'm an artist at the age of 31 from Sweden.

Was raised at a place called Djurås but now lives in Torsby and its located near the border to Norway.


I am an open-minded artist, and I see art as a way of expressing whatever I feel at that moment. 
I have always been outspoken about believing in yourself and standing up for who you are and what you want. That's why my art can be both dark and bright, heavy and light, full of emotions or simple and clean. I'm one of those artists who don't have a certain way of being. I love to be unpredictable, so that no one really knows what my next artwork will be like. My way of painting reflects my personality in that I love to have a lot to do and to never be stuck on a "routine." I love to learn new things, and I'm not afraid to try. 
My two biggest loves are fitness and art, and combining them is a joy of mine. Other things that affect my art are often music, feelings, family, and everyday life. 


I started to show my paintings public the spring 2010 and have sold around 450 paintings/drawings since then.


You can order paintings from your own request or buy something from my art shop.



email me at: [email protected] or use the "contact form" under contact.  









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